And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25 NKJV
Hello beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope you’re all fine by God’s grace. As for me, I’m blessed and highly favoured.
Today I would like to talk to you about the Weekly Prayer Meeting.
In July 2021, I wanted a revival in my relationship with God. At that time, I didn’t understand that a revival wasn’t something which concerned only one person but that a revival was to start somewhere and then set so many people on fire for The Lord. So, as I was praying for a revival, in a dream God reminded me that Brother Curry Blake, general overseer of John G. Lake Ministries one time talked about a man saying that wherever his sermons were preached, a revival would start. In the dream it was clear to me that I had to read his sermons. So, when I woke up that morning, I looked in my sermon notes to find the day where Brother Curry Blake talked about that man, but I couldn’t find it. Consequently, I asked The Holy Spirit to remind me the name of the man, and He said Charles Finney.
That’s how I went on Google and searched with the key words Charles Finney and revival, and then I found Charles Finney’s Revival lectures.
He made it clear in his writings that if you really wanted a revival, you had to commit to following every step. That’s how I started following every step little by little. That’s how I realised that I didn’t love sinners as I ought to, which explained why most of my blog posts were directed at 90% towards believers and not towards unbelievers to bring them to Christ, which explained my lack of patience towards unbelievers when I preached The Gospel to them. I confessed it to The Lord and I repented.
Little by little I followed up with the steps in the book, when I reached the section in which Charles Finney talked about having a weekly prayer meeting to pray for a revival. I had followed through with the steps till that moment, so why would I stop there? So, I started a Weekly Prayer Meeting on Zoom, and since September 2021 every Saturday from 10PM (GMT +1 time) The Weekly Prayer Meeting meets on Zoom to pray for revival, not only in Cameroon my home country but in the whole world.
I have to acknowledge that at first, I didn’t even know that most people in the Weekly Prayer Meeting would come from Cameroon. I was so used to interacting online with Christians from abroad that at first I published the event on eventbrite (platform which is mostly used by people abroad, not a lot by Cameroonians). I also published it on Instagram and with time on WhatsApp, and God kept stirring up the hearts of my brothers and sisters in Christ in Cameroon to join the Weekly Prayer Meeting. We’ve had people join from the United States of America, from Pakistan and Netherlands, but most of our members are from Cameroon. What started as a 40 minutes prayer meeting is now a 3-4 hours prayer meeting, and I can clearly say that we see results: people we prayed for by name who contacted us during the week to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ, people amongst our friends and family who just randomly contacted us to say they wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ, people contacting us to pray for them concerning spiritual problems, people getting healed after members of the Weekly prayer meeting ministered healing to them in Jesus Christ’s Name etc. All the glory goes to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I will publish a series of blog posts to discuss more about how Charles Finney advised to run a weekly prayer meeting for revival.
Father Lord God Almighty, stir in me the desire to meet with other believers to pray together for a revival, to pray together for Your Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen
Interested in joining the Weekly Prayer Meeting?
Every Saturday from 11:00PM- 02:00 AM (GMT+1) I host a prayer meeting on Zoom (online) to pray for the salvation of our loved ones, our friends and acquaintances etc and to minister healing to the sick. You can join and invite others to join with you, believers as well as unbelievers. You can click on the link here to join.
Looking for an online Church ?
I can recommend to you Dominion Life Church with General Overseer Apostle Curry Blake. In case there is no campus near you, you can watch online every Sunday at 3:00 PM (GMT +1) for first service and 4:00 PM (GMT +1) for second service
Looking for a Local Church in Yaoundé Cameroon?
I recommend Living Word Fellowship International Church in Yaoundé Mvog-ada Carrefour Pakita to you, Church services on Sunday 7:30am to 9am and 9:00am to 1pm latest
Looking for a Prophetic Prayer Platform to receive healing, deliverance and breakthroughs?
I recommend NSPPD (New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declarations) by Pastor Jerry Eze every Monday to Friday 7am to 9am GMT+1 (Cameroonian/Nigerian time)
Thank you for reading, God bless you and Happy New Year 2022