Huge misunderstandings

Hi everyone, I hope you are all fine by God’s. Today’s post is about huge misunderstandings.  According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, a misunderstanding is a situation in which a comment, an instruction, etc., is not understood properly. Also, it can be defined as a slight disagreement or argument.  Read more…


Hi everyone, I have some questions for you today. Is there anything wrong right now? Something which makes you sad? Which makes you feel worried or depressed? I want to share with you today the experience of someone who walked with God,  King David. Take a look at what he Read more…


Hi there,  I hope you guys are all fine by God’S grace. Today we are going to talk about humility. It would be nice to define humility but I prefer using a self-explanatory description directly from The Bible.  Here we go: Luke 18:10-14 KJV Two men went up into the Read more…


Hi there, I guess lots of us have heard this sentence already “trust in The Lord”,  so I’ll directly dive into the topic. Someday I read something very interesting on God life website; Faith = taking God at His Word. Now let’s look at what God’S Word says. Psalm 37:3-5 Read more…


Hello, with the information overload which exists today, everyone has got his own truth and his own things to say about almost everything. There are so many paths to follow in life and so many decisions to make everyday. At times we listen to the wrong voices and are led Read more…