Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
John 14:23 NKJV
Generally, once we surrender our life to Christ, the person who led us to Christ will tell us that it’s very important to read our Bible and to pray every day. For many Christians, it becomes a routine. At times we even memorise verses but we don’t apply them in our daily lives. We sing to God about how much we love Him, we even cry during worship and pray in tongues for many hours, but as soon as we’re out of our prayer rooms we go back to disobeying The Father.
God’s love language is obedience. How will God know that we are really sincere when we say that we love Him? He will observe our lives and see if we really obey His Word.
Many Christians have so much theoretical knowledge about the Bible yet we don’t even apply 20% of all what we know. We can teach the best sermons to others about love, forgiveness, peace, prayer, faith declarations and even the culture of blessing yet we don’t put it in practice at all.
Today, The Lord reminds us that He wants us to live by the Word of God, to put it in practice, to obey Him. Quoting Scriptures isn’t enough. He wants us to live by them.
– Father in The Name of Jesus Christ I acknowledge that there is so much I know about your Word that I don’t apply. I am wrong in doing so and I ask for your forgiveness.
– Father, I don’t want to just say with my lips that I love You, I want my actions, my obedience to show that I really love You. Help me Lord to do Your Will.
Assignment :
Make a list of seven truths/principles that you know from The Word of God but that you don’t apply in your daily life and decide to start applying them throughout this fast from this day forward. (Don’t stop applying them when the fast ends, run with it from now on)
Further reading : Isaiah 29:13-16 NKJV, 1 John 3:1-10 NKJV
Looking for a local church in Yaounde Cameroon?
I recommend to you Living Word Fellowship International Church of Bishop Christian Raymond Ngwu and Rev. Laurentine Ngwu. The Church is situated in Yaoundé Mvog-ada near Camwater, Church services on Sunday 8am to 12:30 pm. Right now we’re praying every morning from 5:30am to 7:00am during this prayer/fasting 40 days season
Looking for a local church in Douala Cameroon?
I recommend to you Four Face Center of his excellency Dr. E. Paul Mbuagbor and Rev. Leslie Mbuagbor (son and daughter of Daddy Bishop Chris Raymond Ngwu). The church is situated at “salle de fête arena Bonamoussadi” and church services hold every Sunday 5pm.
Thank you for reading and God bless you
Dr. Victoria Eyog Tang Nlend