The wicked borrow and never repay
Psalms 37:21a NLT
Hello beloved of The Lord, you’re blessed and highly favoured.
The Bible tells us that we shall lend and we shall never need to borrow (Deuteronomy 28:12 NLT). This is God’s ideal for us, that we should be so prosperous that we never need to borrow money from anyone and we have so much in abundance that we can lend to others without it even being a burden to us.
Unfortunately, many Christians don’t yet operate at that level. As such we end up in need and we borrow money. The greatest problem comes up when Christians refuse to pay their debts. When you borrowed from an unbeliever, you basically told them subtly that your God can’t provide for you. When you chose to not pay them back, you reinforced in them the idea that your God is poor. When you’ll preach the Gospel to them, they will not want to serve a God who would make them poor or who would transform them into beggars.
When you borrow from a believer and you refuse to pay back, you’re robbing your own brother/sister in Christ. Perhaps that was money which they could have used to buy themselves new shoes, to pay their rent or even the school fees of their kids. Now they’re crying to God day and night because they tried to help you but you repay them by not paying back. The Bible says in doing that you’re being wicked that’s all. The Bible also says that there will be a wealth transfer from the wicked to the righteous (Proverbs 13:22b NLT) and by refusing to repay when you borrow, you’ve already positioned yourself to be the one from whom wealth will be taken.
How to clear your debts
- Acknowledge them (don’t try to avoid those to whom you owe money)
- Make a payment plan eg if you owe 50000 FCFA to brother John and 10000 FCFA to sister Mary, organise yourself to pay an amount weekly or monthly and ensure regular payments (don’t disappear for months then reappear)
- Call those whom you owe and tell them your payment plan eg “Brother John I’m so sorry for delaying with your money I will send 5000 FCFA every month for 10 months”, “Sister Mary I will send 1000 FCFA every month for 10 months”
- When you finish clearing one debt if there’s another debt left, use the money which would have been used as payment of the previous debt to add to what you’re already paying for this debt so as to clear it faster
Constantly begging and not paying your debts are actually making you poorer as they don’t align with the DNA of the King Priests of The Kingdom of God. As much as possible, stop begging and stop borrowing. It will protect you from piling up debts. Make your requests known to God and learn to believe Him to provide for you in special ways.
Father Lord I pray that You forgive me for the people I hurt and the relationships I destroyed by not paying my debts and by always taking but never giving. Lord help me to manage money well and to clear all my debts earlier than expected in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen
Assignment :
- Make a list of all the people (and institutions eg.banks) to whom you owe money
- Make a monthly or weekly payment plan today
- Contact each of those people today, apologise for the delay in paying your debt and give them a clear view of your payment plan for them
- Follow the payment plan (don’t transform it into and empty promise)
Further reading : Deuteronomy 28:12 NLT, Proverbs 13:22b NLT
Looking for a local church in Yaounde Cameroon?
I recommend to you Living Word Fellowship International Church of Bishop Christian Raymond Ngwu and Rev. Laurentine Ngwu. The Church is situated in Yaoundé Mvog-ada near Camwater, Church services on Sunday 8am to 12:30 pm. Right now we’re praying every morning from 5:30am to 7:00am during this prayer/fasting 40 days season
Looking for a local church in Douala Cameroon?
I recommend to you Four Face Center of his excellency Dr. E. Paul Mbuagbor and Rev. Leslie Mbuagbor (son and daughter of Daddy Bishop Chris Raymond Ngwu). The church is situated at “salle de fête arena Bonamoussadi” and church services hold every Sunday 5pm.
Thank you for reading and God bless you
Dr. Victoria Eyog Tang Nlend