1 Peter 5:7 NIV

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Hello beloved child of God, I hope you’re fine by God’s grace.

Have you done your assignments from yesterday? If you didn’t please make sure to do them before going forward.

So, today we’re going to look at the reasons why you’re depressed right now.

Yesterday we explored the roots of your depression from childhood, but today we want to look at actual issues, at what’s going on right now which contributes to you having depression right now.

Let’s dive into the next exercise then. Derived from the workbook “Anxiety and Depression Workbook for dummies” by Aaron Temkin Beck and Laura L.Smith

Exercise: Current Issues Which May Be Responsible For Your Depression

1. In the past year or so, have I lost anyone I care about through death, divorce or prolonged separation?

2. Have I suffered from any serious physical injury or illness?

3. Have finances caused me any difficulties recently? Or have I made any major purchases such as a new house or car?

4. Am I having arguments or conflicts with anyone?

5. Are there problems at work such as new responsibilities, longer hours or poor management?

6. Have I made any major changes in my life such as retirement, a new job, or a new relationship?

7. Do I have daily hustles such as a long commute, disturbing noises, or poor living conditions?

8. Am I currently taking drugs which may have depression as side effects ?

9. Is there any history of depression in my family? (Genetics )

Now that you’ve answered all the questions above, you probably know what are the current issues which are contributing to your depression.

For every single issue which you wrote down, what I need you to do today is to open up.

Take all the time you need and open up to God. Tell Him what’s going on, from point 1 to point 7, just cast all your cares upon Him. Open your mouth and talk to Him as you would talk to a friend.

This is a very useful exercise, and if you need to cry, then cry. Whatever you need to do to feel better, open up to God and let Him know how you feel.

Don’t keep it to yourself. Tell Him.

1 Peter 5:7 NIV

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Psalm 34:18 NIV

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

As we said when we started this journey against depression, anyone can be sad for a reason or another because of specific events in their lives.

People don’t go through the same things in life, but the issue behind depression doesn’t lie in what you deal with but how you process what you’re dealing with.

In life, you will face difficult circumstances, but you don’t have to be depressed every time you’re in a difficult situation. That’s why you have to learn how to take all your thoughts and feelings to God with respect to any situation, and to process them through the lens of God’s Word.

The first step in learning how to process your thoughts and emotions, is taking everything to God in prayer.


Father Lord God King of Glory, I come before You today to open my heart completely to You. Lord please teach me to do this all the time, teach me to always cast all my cares upon You, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen

It’s Now Your Turn

1. Answer from question 1-9 of the exercise above if you’re not done it get.

2. Now that you’ve answered it all, take each point to God in prayer, tell Him everything which you’re feeling. Speak to Him, He listens to you.

3. Share this with a friend or a family member. If you know someone who’s depressed right now, share this post with them and invite them to subscribe to the newsletter of Mission for Jesus so as to follow as we’re trusting God to set us free from depression.

If you’ve not done it yet, subscribe to my Newsletter so as not to miss any post on depression and also, make sure to invite anyone whom you know is suffering from depression.

Click here to subscribe to my Newsletter.

Also, please consider sharing this blog post on all your social media accounts.


Click here if you’re looking for a church. I recommend Elevation Church to you. A wonderful Christ-centered Church in which you aren’t limited by your location and in which you can see what God can do through you. We’re in a series right now called ” Maybe:God ” on discerning God’s Will.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this blog post please subscribe to my Newsletter so as not to miss any new post.

Also, please consider sharing this blog post on all your social media accounts.

Thank you for reading

God bless you

Victoria Eyog


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