Hi everyone, I hope you are all fine by God’S grace, today’s post is about hope.
Hope is to believe that something you want will happen. As Christians, what do we hope in and for how long should we hope ? What are we expected to do as we are waiting ? Let’s take a look at this verse in order to answer these questions

1 Peter 1:13 KJV
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

1. What do we hope in ?
We hope in Christ Jesus’ second coming, in Him, in His mercy, His graces and God’S goodness towards us.
We hope in the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting in Christ Jesus.
2. For how long should we hope ?
We are to hope to the end, to never stop hoping, to not postpone our hope to tomorrow, but to hope today as long as there is a today, hence to hope everyday, because God’S promises are true and to have a miracle we must put in faith.
It’s not about stopping on the way, no, our hopes in God should be living and encouraging, challenging and inspiring everyday.
Never give up on God because He won’t ever give up on you.
3. What are we expected to do while we are hoping(waiting)?
We are to remain firm in The Lord.
Our minds are to be continually transformed through His Holy Word and His Holy Spirit.
We are to be serious and sensible in the decisions we make and in our way of thinking. This isn’t achieved through human strength or might but thanks to God’S Holy Spirit.
It’s important that as we are waiting on The Lord, we remain hopeful, every single day, in hope, peace and joy. As we do so and let God’S Word transform us, we should never give up on the way, no matter how hard and crushing the obstacles are, may God help us hope to the end.
Decide today to hope and hope evermore.
Eternal Lord, teach me enthusiasm and total reliance on You as I hope not in despair but in joy, as I count on You Lord, in Jesus Christ’S Name
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