2 Corinthians 4:17 NIV

Hello beloved child of God, I hope you’re fine by God’s grace. As for me, I’m doing great all thanks to Him.

Today we’re going to talk about the Myth of the perfect fairytale Christian life.

Before going any further I want to say that I know the Bible verses about God’s love for us, about His divine provision, and His mercy towards us. I know the Bible verses which say that we will be the head and not the tail.

Nevertheless, I also know that at times people use the Bible to give others the impression that once you have given your life to Jesus Christ, once you’ve said the salvation prayer, you won’t ever suffer again in your life.

  • Have you been single for a very long time ? Do you want to get married ? Become a Christian, make a decision for Christ and you’ll find a spouse
  • Do you want to be sure that you won’t ever have issues in your marriage with your spouse? Become a Christian and marry a Christian. If you do these two you will NEVER have problems in your marriage
  • Do you want to stop having nightmares or sleepless nights? Become a Christian
  • Do you want to overcome this sin and never sin again EVER in your life ? Become a Christian
  • The reason why you can’t find a job is because you’re not a Christian or you’re not a true Christian. Become a Christian and you’ll get a job.
  • The reason why you usually have difficulties making decisions is because you’re not a Christian. Give your life to Jesus Christ and you’ll ALWAYS know the best choice for you.
  • The reason why you’re having financial problems is because you’re not a Christian. Become a Christian and all your financial problems will be solved
  • The reason why you usually feel sad is because you’re not a Christian. Once you’ll be a Christian, you’ll be happy all the time.
  • If you and your husband don’t have a child yet it’s because you are not a Christian. Once you’ll become a Christian you and your husband will have children.
  • The reason why you usually fall sick is because you’re not a Christian. Once you’ll pray the salvation prayer you’ll never fall sick again
  • Solve all your problems with a single prayer. The salvation prayer will solve all your problems.

Are you familiar with any of these?

There are so many people who in order to make their ministry grow, promise others that all their problems will be solved once they’ll have said the salvation prayer.

For example, you attend a wedding at their Church and they tell you that the couple is getting married because they’re both Christians and if you want to find a spouse you’ve got to give your life to Jesus Christ.

Or you’re invited to attend an event for celibates and you’re told that praying the salvation prayer guarantees that you’ll get married.

By the way, you need to know that this theology is a FALSE THEOLOGY. Those are lies from the devil.

John 16:33 NIV

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus Himself said that in this world we would have trouble.

There are adults who have been Christians since childhood, but they’re not married yet. They are walking in God’s ways and praying for marriage but they still haven’t met the person they’ll get married to, or they’re in a situation right now where they just can’t get married for the moment.

There are married couples where both are Christians yet they argue, they don’t agree on every single thing, they usually have crises and they aren’t perfect.

There are Christians who have sleepless nights and who have nightmares. At times the sleepless nights are just means for God to make us stay up to pray for people, and the nightmares at times come from God showing us a situation which can be avoided through prayer. At times it’s even spiritual warfare.

It’s not because you became a Christian that you’ll never ever commit a sin again. There are Christians who are sincere with God, who have accountability partners, who are praying everyday to get rid of some bad habits, who are really intentional about it but who still sin in those ways.

There are Christians who spend months and even years without a job.

There are Christians who have a hard time making some decisions and discerning “Is this my will or is this God’s Will?”

There are Christians who go through seasons of financial lack, despite all their efforts.

There are Christians who suffer from anxiety and depression

There are Christian married couples who have difficulties having children even though they are praying for this.

There are Christians who fall sick. Who suffer from flu, cancer, autoimmune diseases etc.

I’m not trying to say that God can’t deliver Christians from all these things but I’m trying to make you realize that for you to be delivered from something you first have to go through the thing in question.

James 1:2‭-‬4 NIV

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’ll never ever ever have any problems again. This is a huge lie from the devil, and this false theology has two big problems I think.

1. The person is coming to Jesus Christ not for Him but for something specific

Matthew 6:33‭-‬34 NIV

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

When someone comes to Christ just to get stuff from Him, it influences a lot the way this person will pray and live in general.

It will always be only about presenting their petitions to God and expecting to always receive exactly what they asked for. God is good and He answers our prayers after all Right?

But the problem is that if you seek Jesus for something specific and not for Him, if He doesn’t give it to you, you’ll go somewhere else to find it.

That’s why some people are in Church every Sunday but they also go to wizards, witchdoctors etc…because they think they have to get results absolutely and if God doesn’t give them what they want, then they’ll find it elsewhere.

  • If Jesus doesn’t give them a spouse then they’ll take care of it by themselves and find a spouse even if it means disobeying God
  • If Jesus doesn’t make their Christian spouse more understanding, kind and gentle, then they will divorce and look for another Christian spouse.
  • If Jesus doesn’t help them make their decisions as they want then they’ll go to a wizard or an astrologist to read the future for them
  • If Jesus doesn’t give them a job, then they’ll go to a witchdoctor to help them get a job
  • If Jesus doesn’t give them children then they’ll go to a wizard to have children

There can be so many other examples. My point is, when you present The Gospel to someone and give them the impression that Christianity is a fairytale with zero problems, when they’ll have any problem, they will feel like they had been cheated ( “I didn’t sign for this”) and then they’ll look to someone else or something else to help them get what they want without even asking God “Is this what YOU want?”

2. The Devil will use this to convince you that God doesn’t love you

1 Peter 5:8‭-‬9 NIV

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

1 Peter 4:12‭-‬13 NIV

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

  • If God really loved you, you would be married by now
  • If God really loved you, no one would have ever sexually abused you
  • If God really cared about you, your husband or your wife would be more kind and understanding
  • If God really cared about you, He wouldn’t have allowed for you to be sick
  • If God really saved you, you wouldn’t be depressed
  • If God really heard your prayers, you would have a job by now

You see, when you expect that life will be easy with only rainbows 🌈, unicorns 🦄, flowers and everything perfect, the moment where things don’t go as you thought, your faith goes weak and this is the moment where the devil comes to fill your mind with all those lies.

There have been Biblical characters who had to wait for their promise, who suffered grief, sadness, imprisonment, persecution, etc etc even though they loved God and walked in His ways.

Jesus Christ The Perfect Holy One went through death on The Cross. He suffered, more than we will ever suffer.

Isaiah 53:3‭-‬5 NIV

He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held Him in low esteem. Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by His wounds we are healed.

When we act as if it’s impossible for a Christian to lack, suffer, be worried, depressed, needing help etc we also make people question “Am I really saved?”

All this is poisonous.

By the way if you’re one of those people who “click bait” others into becoming Christians promising them that once they’ll say the salvation prayer all their issues will be solved, please stop that. Because 5 years after that, when they’re still struggling with the same things, when they’re still single, brokenhearted, depressed, anxious, broke, they’ll think that ” this God thing doesn’t work” and they’ll feel so disillusioned and some will think they were not truly saved and they’ll pray the salvation prayer 100 times till all their issues are solved. While some will just give up on God cuz they started it all on the wrong basis.


Praying the salvation prayer doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get married, that you’ll have a job, that you’ll be healed, that you’ll have children, that your spouse will become more kind, that you’ll have lots of money in your bank account exactly when you want it and that all your projects will work exactly as you want and when you want.

However, saying this prayer sincerely guarantees you that God has forgiven you for all your sins and you’ll spend eternity with Him.

The rest is a bonus, and He knows what you need. He’ll give you what He thinks you need when He decides it’s time for you to get it, and if things aren’t going as you planned or prayed, it doesn’t mean that God doesn’t care about you or doesn’t hear your prayers, it just means “Keep having faith, keep praying, keep trusting God. In His time He will do His will which is best for you”

Here’s what Paul (the one who wrote most of the books of the New Testament) said:

Philippians 4:12 NIV

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.


Father Lord God Almighty, I acknowledge that I thought that things should be easy for me because I’m a Christian. As such when things became difficult I doubted Your love for me and Your presence in my life. Lord please help me to have faith not only when everything goes as planned but even when things are hard, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.

It’s Now Your Turn

Have you been promised a perfect fairytale Christian life? The conversation is open, please leave comments below so that we can chat about all this and prayer topics so we can pray for each other.

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Click here if you’re looking for a church. I recommend Elevation Church to you. A wonderful Christ-centered Church in which you aren’t limited by your location and in which you can see what God can do through you. We’re starting a new series next week ” Maybe:God ” on discerning God’s Will.

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