Hello beloved creatures of God, I hope you’re all fine by God’s grace. As for me, I’m quite fine thanks to God.
I would like to start by introducing myself, especially for those who are new here. My name is Victoria Eyog, I’m a Christian blogger and Doctor of Pharmacy. I started the blog missionforjesus.blog about five years ago because God put on my heart to preach the Gospel.
Lately, God has been dealing with me on the fact that my blog has been centered on edifying/building up believers (people who are already Christians) and that I had little to no blog posts specifically focused on preaching the Gospel to people who haven’t yet surrendered their life to Jesus Christ.
This was quite a revelation for me, knowing that our Lord Jesus gave as great Comission to all believers to preach the Gospel to all nations, to make disciples. This isn’t just a command He gave to pastors but to all believers. Thus, The Holy Spirit made me realize that I was more focused on edifying believers than I was on saving souls ( showing unbelievers the way to salvation).
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV
If you’re reading this and you’re not a Christian or a believer in Jesus Christ, you’re probably wondering “what’s Victoria talking about”, and I understand. That’s actually why I decided to start a new blog post series entitled “Salvation 101”
Salvation 101 is basically directed to non-Christians (atheists, agnostics, people from other religions etc.). I want to preach the Good News to you, I want to tell you about Jesus.
By the way, if you’re already a believer, or if you already identify as a Christian, Salvation 101 is also for you. I know this because, it’s good to lay back the foundations and be sure that you’ve really made Jesus Christ The Lord of your life. It’s important to make sure that you’re really saved, that you’ve really believed, and that you bear fruits. There’s a false Gospel circulating out there (eg. Hypergrace, eternal unconditional security, permission to sin because people are under grace etc) and as a Christian, you should make sure that you believe the true Gospel, based on the Bible. Going through the whole blog post series will help you not only to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to know how to preach the Gospel to people.
In Salvation 101 we’ll talk about the following points :
- The immortality of the spirit and soul
- The vanity and unsatisfactory nature of all earthly good
- The satisfying nature and glorious sufficiency of a relationship with Jesus Christ
- The guilt and danger of sinners and the reality of hell as a place of eternal punishment for the wicked
- The love of Christ for sinners
- The necessity of holiness to enter Heaven
- The necessity of self-denial, humility, Heavenly-mindedness and of living above the world
- The necessity of an entire renovation of character and life for all who would enter Heaven
As source of inspiration, I’ll be using the Bible (obviously) and Charles Finney’s revival lectures. In fact, Apostle Curry Blake says that wherever Charles Finney’s sermons are preached and applied a revival followed suit.
As we’ll be starting this series my prayer is that God will bring a revival, that people who didn’t make Jesus Lord over their lives will do so and that Christians who had grown cold in their love for The Lord will get back to have a right standing with God.
Father Lord God Almighty, as we’re starting this series of blog posts on salvation, may Your Holy Spirit touch the hearts of all those who are reading that they may surrender their lives to Christ for the first time or recommit their lives to Him sincerely, in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.
Weekly Prayer Meetings
I would like to announce that every Saturday from 11:00-11:40 PM (GMT+1) I host a prayer meeting on Zoom (online) to pray for the salvation of our loved ones, our friends and acquaintances etc and to minister healing to the sick. You can join and invite others to join with you, believers as well as unbelievers. You can click on the link here to register for the event.
Looking for a Church?
I can recommend to you Dominion Life Church with General Overseer Apostle Curry Blake. In case there is no campus near you, you can watch online every Sunday at 3:00 PM (GMT +1) for first service and 4:00 PM (GMT +1) for second service
God bless you and contact me on social media if you need individual prayer