Hi everyone, I hope you’re all fine by God’s grace. Previously, we talked about hopelessness and how to solve it. Today we’re going to talk about 3 Lessons to be learned from Psalm 100
1. Joy is an order from God 
Psalm 100:1-2 NIV

Shout for joy to the Lord , all the earth
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 

Independently of what we face everyday, or where we are on the globe today,  we are called to shout for joy to The Lord. It’s our calling, it’s an order,  it’s not about our whims/caprices. 
Also, you may ask yourself where the joy will come from in hard times, let me give you a little secret, one of the reasons why God really calls us to, and expects us to praise Him is because in His presence we find joy. 
2. We belong to God, not to others, not to ourselves
Psalm 100:3 NIV

It is He who made us, and we are His ; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. 

Who created you? Is it your mom or your dad? Your brother or your sister? Your fiancé(e) or your spouse? Your boss or your Pastor? Your friend or your classmate?  None of the them created you, so you belong to none of them. God created you, hence you belong to Him. 
This implies that you should live your life not to please them, nor to please yourself, but to please God, your Creator. 
3. His love endures forever
Psalm 100:5 NIV

 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.

You see,  God’s love is different from ours (at least it’s different from mine).  In general, when I love I expect something in return and when I don’t get any love shown in return, I get sad, offended and/or I decide to move away. I guess it’s that way for all of us (Unless if you’re Jesus Christ Himself). 
However, God’s love is different, He needs no reciprocation. He doesn’t practice love, He doesn’t mimic love, He is LOVE (1John4:8) and His love endures forever. 
(see Pastor Judah Smith’s Sermon entitled “God loves you so much“)
By the way, God is faithful. Yeah, FAITHFUL. He’s never going to betray you. We’ll surely talk about this in another blog post God willing. 
As you’ve noticed through this post, the psalms are really useful in grasping God’s Word and wonderful concepts about what our relationship with God should be (if we believe). In the book of Psalms, you can learn a lot about God. I invite you to challenge yourself these holidays and read the whole book of #Psalms. While you’re at it you could plan on reading afterwards the book of Proverbs, and why not go through the whole Old Testament,  and then the New Testament to finish it all? 
Father Lord God Almighty, help me take responsibility for my joy in The Lord by choosing to fill my heart with joy by coming into Your presence everyday to worship You and praise Your Holy Name. Help me live not to please others but to please You first. Thank You Lord for reassuring me today by letting me know that Your love won’t ever fade away. In Jesus Christ’s Name I have prayed. Amen 
Thanks for reading. 
God bless you all. 
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